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2024 Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Election Results

Farm Credit of Florida thanks all who voted in this year’s Board of Directors and Nominating Committee elections. Ballots were tabulated by an independent third party, and the results have been certified and provided to the Association. We appreciate your contribution to helping strengthen our cooperative and are pleased to announce that the following stockholders were elected.



The following individuals were elected to serve on the Board of Directors.

  • District 1 - Donald G. “Don” Tanner, Jr. 
  • District 6 - Martin J. “Marty” McKenna 
  • District 9 - Bobby G. “Bob” Lines 
  • District 10 - John L. Alger 


The following individuals were elected to serve on the Nominating Committee:

  • District 1 - Mark W. Anderson
  • District 2 - Herbert C. Thomas
  • District 3 - Joshua C. Farley
  • District 4 - Skipper Henderson
  • District 5 - Charles W. Harrison, Jr.
  • District 6 - David P. Wheeler
  • District 7 - John M. Larson
  • District 8 - Keith W. Kettner
  • District 9 - Keith Wedgworth
  • District 10 - Marc J. Ellenby


Nominating Committee Alternates

  • District 1 - Matthew R. Goos

  • District 2 - Anthony G. Boggess

  • District 3 - Samuel S. “Stan” Browning, IV

  • District 4 - Damon W. Sandlin

  • District 5 - William E. Nugent

  • District 6 - J. Ned Hancock

  • District 7 - Michael L. “Mickey” Bandi, Jr.

  • District 8 - Antonio R. Perez

  • District 9 - Stephen W. Bedner

  • District 10 - Mark Philcox


Thank you once again for your participation and support. 



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